– Combination of special grade Aluminium Silicate water base coatings works very efficiently in the field of Light and Medium weight Iron Castings. Developed Specifically to take optimum care of casting defects like sand fusion, sand inclusion and veining.
– Mixed Refractory Aluminium Silicate water base Coatings Developed and Design for dipping of resin bonded core specially Head assembly and water Jacket.
– Aluminium Silicate Solvent Based Coatings Designed for Light and Medium weight Iron Castings.
– Blend of Graphite and Aluminium Silicate Solvent Base coating specifically Developed to take optimum care of Critical SG Iron Casting. All Grades of Iron Castings can easily be cast.
– Aluminium Silicate Based Air Dry Coatings recommended to use in the fields of light and medium weight Iron castings
– Aluminium Magnesium silicate Air dry coatings for green sand Mold.