Oradiecoat 6 Paste

Blend of Aluminum Paste in Mineral spirit applicable for core coatings in Aluminum Foundry also can be use very effectively as Parting agent for green sand mold..

Oralite 11 Liq

Ready to use Graphite Coating Suitable for both Green sand & Resin Bounded Core/Mold. This is general purpose coating for all types of Iron, Auminum and copper based alloy.

Oralite CAS A

It is Made with Selected Mixed Refractory Materials to take optimum care of Heavy section Aluminum Castings The coating layer developed with this paint is Permeable enough to allow the gases to pass through the Mold and helps to minimise the problem of Pin hole/Blow Hole. All Grades of Iron Castings can easily be cast.

Orakote TE

Tellerium Based Coating for applicable for bot ferrous and non ferrous Foundries where shrinkage problem persist and again helps to increase hardness and promote chilling.

Orakote 110

Higher Solids Zircon Coating in Ready to use Form for Heavy Sections Steel Castings.

Orakote 210

A Combination of Zircon Graphite designed to take optimum care of both Ferrous and Non Ferrous Foundries. Suitable for all Resinous Background. With use of Orakote 210 Heavy Section Aluminum Castings can be cast very effectively.

Orakote 161

It is Mixed Refractory Fillers Base Coatings suitable for resin bonded sand/mold. Work very effectively in the field of light weight Iron Castings for non critical components.

Orapart W

Silicon Based Parting Agent for Shell Core

Orapart S

Parting Agent for Shell Core

Orastrip ALP

Designed specifically to be used for resin bonded core in Aluminum Foundries but can be use as stripping agent for wooden and metal Patterns.

Orastick-S & Orastick-8

Adhesive core joining paste applicable to Resin, Silicate and Oil bonded cores; it is available in Air setting and Heat curing varieties. It can be applied to cold cores with normal on Sodium Silicate, Oil, Resins and hardening time, used mainly Cereal bound cores for ferrous and Non – ferrous Alloys.

Oracorefill Paste

It is used for repairs of mould & cores for repairs of moulds and cores. This is suitable for mould and cores Suitable for mould and cores made from shell resin, Furan resin and Cold box binders

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